Family and faith are my top-most priorities in the life I am blessed to share with my beautiful and dedicated bride; we're the proud parents of two brilliant, caring and creative adult children, and enjoy the companionship and antics of our three furry, purry pets. We live amid the nature and majestic scenery of the Rocky Mountain region, but love adventuring to explore the many other creative wonders and captivating cultures on God's beautiful Earth.
I've arrived at the descriptor of "nurturer" for myself because it crisply captures the important purpose of the two "jobs" I've kept myself busy with over the past couple of decades. I work at a middle school with struggling readers during the school year, and overlap that at a greenhouse/garden center taking care of flowers (and customers) for a few intense months in the spring and summer. Both jobs bring me joy, inspiration, and cool opportunities. Although they differ widely in their execution, the compelling commonality of both jobs is the emphasis on "nurturing." I endeavor to create the ideal environment for optimum development and growth for both budding young readers and seedling flowers. Witnessing the blossoming of a beautiful flower or the beautiful mind of a child is a glorious reward!

Friday, April 12, 2013

A Quick Ponderance. . .

So, it seems like I have noticed the counter on the blog see a couple significant jumps this past week since publishing the last post.  I like that--if it really means that more folks are reading.  What I don't quite understand is why there is no other evidence that folks are reading the posts.  There are several quick, painless avenues for you to let it be known that you visited the page.  Because I guess I am emotionally needy or greedy, or something like that, I would LOVE to see all visitors leave some sort of indication of their visit.  Let me take a moment to explain these options to you in case you were unaware of the simplicity, and importance (for me), of leaving traces of your visit.  Aha!  My word-choice phraseology may just have helped me stumble upon the cause of the un-indicated visits.  Maybe many of you are back country enthusiasts, and you've sincerely internalized the eco-friendly mantras so relentlessly preached to you in the past decades of "green" campaigning: "Leave no trace!"  Well, I am here today--still loving God's gifts of nature and our role in caring for and wisely using His gifts--to ask your blatant disregard of that naturalist's command so engrained into your psyche.  Please DO leave me evidence that you've visited my "world in words."  Here's how.

1) REACTION:  the simplest way--takes just a micro-second of your precious time.  Directly under each entry, you will see an aquamarine box giving the date and time of the post, and below that, a line in dark purple lettering reading "REACTION:  Made me:"  followed by five possible response choices.  This is an upgrade to Facebook's "Like" button, only offering more specific responses.  I've seen countless Facebook comments saying how they need a LOVE, or SUPER EXCITED, or DISLIKE--or any number of other possible ideas-- button.  So, in my infinite wisdom, I give you a few more choices here--some positive and others less positive.  I truly am interested in honest responses so will never be offended by any response you click--just click one, okay?  So simple.

2) POLL: also very quick and easy--get to express your opinion.  In the right hand column of the blog page, just below the "about the author" blurb, you'll find a section called "Cast your Vote." Under the instructions will be one or more usually light-hearted questions relating to the recent posts, with choices for answers.  Read through the often silly choices and choose one or more that best describes your thoughts, feelings, or experiences regarding the issue.  Sometimes you can choose only one answer; sometimes you can choose more than one.  It will tell you when more-than-one choice is available.  Just a fun way to interact with my thoughts, and I sometimes amuse myself by trying to guess who may have chosen the answers they did.  Sometimes, it may say that the poll has closed, but I try to keep them updated so that they do not expire.  Also, can be intriguing for all readers to scope out the opinions of other readers to see how they fit in the audience.  So, have fun, and interact with my words, by "Casting your Vote."   

3) COMMENT: fairly quick, but allows for more specific idea communication.  In the same pale-blue box where the reaction buttons are, following the date and time of publication, is printed; "0 comments," (or however many there may be, if others have commented on that post.)  If you click on the word comment, it will take you to a different screen with a white box instructing you to "enter comment here."  Simply type what you have to say in the box and hit publish.  If it asks how you want to be identified, you can always choose the "anonymous" option, and it'll probably ask you to enter some code to prove you're not a robot, but that's all there is to it.  Yes, your comments are then a permanent part of the page and available for others to read.  So, if you have specific words of wisdom, or advice, or chastisement, or encouragement, to share with me--and can spare an extra moment or two--this may be the proper option for you.  If more privacy is important for you, then read on to choice #4.

4) E-MAIL: good, feels-modern-but-quickly-become-old-fashioned electronically sent note to me.  In the "About the Author" section in the right column, directly under the hippo photo, you will see my name.  Click on it and it will bring up my profile page.  On the left of that page, again under the photo of William the hippo, there's a pale grey "contact me" box.  Click on the first option, "Email" and voila, a compose message screen should open from your messaging source with my email address in the "To" line.  Type away, and hit "Send."  Easy, private, and of course, I always appreciate messages of substance.

One more thing.  Another feature I've added today is a spot where you can add your email address if you would like email notification when my blog has been updated.  It's toward the bottom in the right column, right above the counter.  So, give it a try if you like to keep current--as often as I do.  Let me know if it's working the way it should. 

So, now that I've enlightened you to the ease of letting me know I have readers--and yeah, shamelessly, nearly-begged for digital attention--I look forward to stunning revelations from my reading audience.  Keep reading!

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