Family and faith are my top-most priorities in the life I am blessed to share with my beautiful and dedicated bride; we're the proud parents of two brilliant, caring and creative adult children, and enjoy the companionship and antics of our three furry, purry pets. We live amid the nature and majestic scenery of the Rocky Mountain region, but love adventuring to explore the many other creative wonders and captivating cultures on God's beautiful Earth.
I've arrived at the descriptor of "nurturer" for myself because it crisply captures the important purpose of the two "jobs" I've kept myself busy with over the past couple of decades. I work at a middle school with struggling readers during the school year, and overlap that at a greenhouse/garden center taking care of flowers (and customers) for a few intense months in the spring and summer. Both jobs bring me joy, inspiration, and cool opportunities. Although they differ widely in their execution, the compelling commonality of both jobs is the emphasis on "nurturing." I endeavor to create the ideal environment for optimum development and growth for both budding young readers and seedling flowers. Witnessing the blossoming of a beautiful flower or the beautiful mind of a child is a glorious reward!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Thoughts

So, we managed to spend some time with the family at large-- and very large it can be in our case.  However, it really wasn't that big of a gathering this time with various members away to other parts of the family, or wherever.  Super seeing family after a long time isolated from everyone, although always hard to really "connect" when there's plenty of people.  Plenty tasty vittles, though, and even met some new folks who we shared a commom friend with.  Interesting the connections that can be found in a circle where some commonality is shared.  Was good to chat and think about and pray for the friend we had in common.  Kids did have a chance to spend some time with their one close cousin, and that's always good.  He even came back to the folks' house to spend the night there with us too.  They certainly enjoy each other's company.  

It's tradition for us on Thanksgiving weekend to take a hike through the forest near my folks and hopefully find and cut a charming Christmas tree for our house.  Lovely bride and I did take a couple walks and looked at plenty of trees, but didn't find a for-sure tree this time. We did enjoy the peaceful treks with fresh air, pretty scenery, colorful foliage, and sparkly ice holes in the crick though.  We're thinking we may take a day off and head up again in a couple weeks to scout out and nab that perfect tree.  Shouldn't be so choosy, I guess; they all look "just right" once they're up and sufficiently decorated.  

So, what blessings did you "give thanks" to God for this season?  Amazing how blessed we are once we step back from the over-stimulated lives we get caught up in and fine-focus our views on all that God has done for us, and continues to do for us, huh?  We certainly praise Him for bounteous gifts, big and small, that He has bestowed on our family.  As the days transition from festivals of gratitude into the Christmas season, let's keep focusing on the God who oversees and orders the universe.  Let His peace guide and direct our hearts and lives.  Preparing for celebrating the gift of a Savior needs to be a time of Peace and Joy, not frazzlement and fret.  Blessings to all as you prepare for the Advent of our Lord!     

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Rest of the Story

Remember the Speech Meet? It was just the second meet that our son has competed in this event in, having only joined Speech & Debate this year. As we were walking back to the car when we went to get him, he was pleased to proclaim, "I broke semi-finals." Translated into non-SpeechTeam lingo, he was informing us that out of the 56 Impromptu speakers in the first five rounds, he made the top 16 and got to speak one more time to see who would make the final round. He did not "break finals" however, but a couple of his good buddies did place. We are proud of him for doing so well on just his second meet, and even more joyous that he had a super time with it all. Our school team placed second, not drastically behind the other high school in town, who has had a phenomenal Speech & Debate program for many years.

At church this morning, lovely bride was the pianist for the service, and all three of my family members sung in the choir during worship. It was a lovely anthem. You know what? Joyous strains of music exude from our home on a very regular basis; be it pure and melodious voices chiming out favorite musical show tunes, old familiar folk songs, or reverent hymns of praise; or the harmonious strums of guitar or sprite, chord-ful piano melodies, I sit back in peaceful reverie and bask in the glorious sound of song. Sometimes
, I wish I possessed some of the innate musical talent of the others and could at least re-create a recognizable melody, but generally I accept my musically-challenged existence and am content to be simply the "Music Appreciater" of the family. What a true
blessing, however, having a musical family is!

Late again. Kids are both in the room awaiting some joint "music listening" time on the computer, so I am signing off. Happy Thanksgiving this week. Pray your festivities are filled with many good gifts from God and a humble gratitude for all His providence. Bask in His generous grace and gifts. Catch you next time.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Weekend : Whimsy and Wonder

Did you notice the activity at the top of the blog page? It's a plain, simple hangman game. Give it a try: simply type your guess in the box; if your guessed letter is used in the word it will appear immediately. If you guessed a letter that isn't in the mystery word, it'll appear in the garbage bin, and a section of your gallows or your hanging man will appear. Simple, fun--what more do you want? I thought it was a whimsical idea for the top, symbolically pointing out the importance of language and words, while also offering a bit of amusement or relaxing mental stimulation. Also, you'll want to always scroll to the bottom of the page to witness the often-changing sunset photo. What a fitting end, huh? A sunset. God displaying his power, and beauty, and promise at the end of one day of light; it also reinforces my title, pulling in the concept of "Eventide." Just a few tidbits to help you enjoy my blog page. What do you think?

So, we did go to fulfill our parental duties and judge speakers this morning. As I expected, I was duly impressed by the dedication and commitment and level of professionalism of these young leaders. I was chosen to judge the "Extemporaneous" event where speakers are to informatively and fluidly speak for 7 minutes in response to a question dealing with current world news after having only 1/2 hour for preparing their ideas and documentation.
Even though the topic of the economic crisis in our country these days decidedly does NOT lie within my scope of interests, I was still significantly amazed by the quality of these kids and their keen abilities in the very pertinent realm of communication. Wow! If you're ever asked to volunteer as a judge for a high school event like this, consider it seriously, as it does certainly ramp up your respect and admiration for teenagers. Leastwise, it should --from my perspective! My bride was chosen to judge the "Original Oratory" contest, and while apprehensive beforehand, did also seem to think it impressive in the end. Some of the ideas and opinions presented were somewhat controversial, so the challenge for her was to judge fairly based on the merit of the speaking ability and not the agreeability of the content. Did pass our son in the hallway between rounds, and while we are still not accustomed to seeing him in formal clothing with a tie, he said things had gone well so far and he looked like he was still having a good time. That's the important part.

These days when the son is away at school activities are days we get to totally focus on our daughter and the things she may want to do. We enjoyed a tasty Japanese lunch with tempura and udon noodles, roamed around a music store where she "tried out" a few guitars, and hit the library to restock on reading materials. She checked out a bagful of books that she thought she might want to read. I wonder if next year when the son is off to college she will feel "overloaded" with parental attention. Those days will be a "whole new world" for all of us, and we CAN wait.

Well, I finally get to end according to my sense of timing: no hovering kid wanting to use the computer right now. Feels like I've "rambled" plenty long enough, communicated pertinent information, related personal ideas, and probably too much emotion, so I'll call it a completed post. Bounteous blessings to you this day!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Act I

It's finally the weekend, after what seemed like a long week. Our weekend has already begun. Our son does the Impromptu event on the "Speech and Debate" team at his high school. There is a tournament in town this weekend, and he had his first three rounds this afternoon/evening. He was fairly pumped when I drove to the other school in town to pick him up at 9:00 tonight after his rounds. He felt good about his speeches and had a fun time with his friends. The meet continues with two more rounds tomorrow morning and finals after that. My lovely bride and I both volunteered to be judges to help out at the meet, so will do that at 9:00 in the morning. It will be inspiring to see these young kids behave so professionally and politely and work hard to perform and impress. I am excited. Bride, on the other hand, I believe is a bit nervous, as it isn't anything she has done before. She also will enjoy it though, I believe, once she experiences it.

It's quite intriguing to witness the many different layers of "kids" and all that they are and face in a week. I am a tutor for struggling readers at the middle school in town, and often see frustrated kids at their most vulnerable when called upon to read. Seeing the same kids in a sports arena or at a choir concert is an entirely different picture. And the persona I'll encounter tomorrow "speaking" boldly to inform or entertain or enlighten or interpret will again be fresh and beautiful snapshots of the varied and multi-faceted lives of the teens around me.

So, again, computer time is being coveted in my house tonight. The other teenager lurking nearby now, so I'll relinquish my spot in "the chair" and head to bed. Do want to be rested for that round of judging in the morning.

Blessings friends!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Curtain Rises

So, here I sit ready to speak to the world, and I'm wondering what I should say. Why blog? That's probably a question deserving some response. Maybe it's a desire to be "in" and "up" with all that's going on in this techno-advanced age we live in, but I'm generally not much of a "Follow-the-Joneses" type of fellow. No, I think it is simpler --more selfish, and selfless than that. This blog can provide me opportunity to spend time writing, a pursuit I dearly love, but the demands and whims of life too often keep me from; it also can provide a perhaps more regular and deeper glance at the goings-on of the family for those loved-ones out there that --again, I'll blame life's demands and whims-- we don't connect with as much as we ought.

The title of my blog is a phrase I came up with some 20-ish years ago while composing a poem about my then-beloved, who awhile later miraculously agreed to become my wife, and with whom I now have gloriously shared nearly 19 years of wedded bliss. It has a poetic ring to it, and since she is still my main inspiration, and I'm sure most all of my posting will occur in the "eventide," I thought it a suitable title. So, with an inspiring bride and two supportive, but busy, brilliant and creative teenage children, maybe I'll be able to make an honest effort to post here at least weekly. Let me know what you think.

So with these introductory "ramblings" completed, and one of my teenagers hovering nearby not-so-subtly pining for her computer time yet tonight, I guess I'll sign off, leaving you to hope for more substance in the next post. Blessings to all.