Family and faith are my top-most priorities in the life I am blessed to share with my beautiful and dedicated bride; we're the proud parents of two brilliant, caring and creative adult children, and enjoy the companionship and antics of our three furry, purry pets. We live amid the nature and majestic scenery of the Rocky Mountain region, but love adventuring to explore the many other creative wonders and captivating cultures on God's beautiful Earth.
I've arrived at the descriptor of "nurturer" for myself because it crisply captures the important purpose of the two "jobs" I've kept myself busy with over the past couple of decades. I work at a middle school with struggling readers during the school year, and overlap that at a greenhouse/garden center taking care of flowers (and customers) for a few intense months in the spring and summer. Both jobs bring me joy, inspiration, and cool opportunities. Although they differ widely in their execution, the compelling commonality of both jobs is the emphasis on "nurturing." I endeavor to create the ideal environment for optimum development and growth for both budding young readers and seedling flowers. Witnessing the blossoming of a beautiful flower or the beautiful mind of a child is a glorious reward!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Been a serious hiatus here, huh? Life has a way of running with us, and best intentions too often are lost in the rush. I planned to be a regular "poster" here, but guess that plan was somehow unconsciously undermined on the first attempt. Hopefully, I can get back in the habit now.

Some substantial changes in our lives since last I posted. Son graduated high school last June and is now away at university about 5 hours away. Quite a change for our household, but I think we are coping okay. He seems to be enjoying all the new things happening in his life and --as always, thriving in the academia. He is a Mathematics major and has 18 credits for this semester. We "talk" with him fairly frequently via IM; sometimes he's conversant and we can actually learn something; sometimes we get one word answers to our questions and no substantial elaboration on the topics we bring up. He came home last weekend, so was great to physically connect. He said he is most enjoying his Logic class and his beginning Japanese class. He also has Calculus II, Computer Science, and a University Seminar class. He has joined the Chess club and attends a Lutheran Student Fellowship bible study as well. Sounds like he stays as busy as he wants, admits to having lots of homework, but relishes in the new freedoms of being "on his own." We parents are learning to adjust to the "incomplete" feeling around the house. Prayers for all of us with these new roles in our lives are appreciated.

We did enjoy exploring around Bozeman when we took him to college and getting to know the area a bit. Enjoyed a relaxing soaking evening and the historical ambiance at a Hot Springs nearby and also a quick meander through the scenic highlights of Yellowstone National Park when we took him down for Orientation in mid-summer. Fun family getaway time--except missing part of the family for part of it. We are looking forward to heading that way again in October when we have a 4-day weekend from school for teacher convention days. Should be good.

And, beautiful daughter has had a hurricane beginning to her junior year, and is going full force after a few weeks in. She was excited to audition for the Theatre department's first production of the year in mid-August, and thrilled to get a fun role in "Arsenic and Old Lace", and very busy rehearsing every day for four or five weeks, and performed three times last weekend to very enthralled sold-out audiences. The princess performed magically in her role as the quirky and stylish Dr. Einstein, an accomplice to the psychopathic evil brother-baddie. But, more importantly, she had a blast doing so, and was so blessed having extended family come to witness her blazing performances. Thank you both Grandpas, Grandma, brother --coming home from college, 4 aunties, uncle and 5 cousins for supporting her in her artistic passions! She had a breather week this week, enjoying her heavily artistic load of classes this semester (Painting 1, Acting 4, Concert Choir, Shakespeare, Yearbook, U.S. History, and Spanish 1) and then she heads off to Ashland, OR very early Monday morning for a fun-crammed week at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. She is very excited; Mom and Dad are wondering what we will do with NO kids in the house for nearly 6 days.

We went to the Open House at the high school this evening, listened to an informative presentation from the Principal, and then traipsed about to her classrooms doing a "Meet & Greet" with her teachers. Most of them we've met before, but a couple were new. Always so nice hearing others "brag" about and compliment your kids. Daughter received several more "kudos" from passersby who recognized her from the play as we wandered the halls tonight, and from a couple teachers as well. Of course, a couple teachers needed to know how the son was doing away at college too. Such a blessing having schools where folks are so personable and truly dedicated to and genuinely concerned about our kids. We've felt blessed through all 14+ years of our "education experience" with our kids in this valley, and this's coming from one who has been employed by same said education system for most of those 14+ years. Thank you, God!

Warm sunny weather this fall so far. We acquired a used canoe this summer and had a chance to take it out a couple times in the early summer --once with the daughter, and once with the son. Busy times never allowed it again until a couple weekends ago when we went out on a pristine lake in the nearby National Park for a couple hours on a Sunday afternoon. So peaceful and relaxing, even if we need quite a bit more practice at it before we become proficient waterway navigators. The warm weather is definitely too warm for my classroom on these sunny September afternoons, but temperature aside, I continue having fun helping out Middle School kids who struggle with reading. A third teacher to work with and a classroom of 6th graders were added to my schedule this year. Amazing the difference one year makes in maturity levels of students at the Middle School age, but change is always good to keep us challenged, yes?

A striking, peaked, crystal-looking plaque elegantly inscribed with her name and a pleasant bonus envelope were the "gifts" bestowed upon the lovely bride during her recent recognition for 15 years of ministering to "seniors" in her office job at the retirement complex. She continues to feel blessed by very positive relationships with both residents and co-workers, and she relishes in keeping everyone there well cared-for.

Okay, so indeed, rambling tonight. I'll cease for now, and plan to post again soon. Remember to enjoy the sunset at the bottom and the game at the top of my blog page, and comment every now and then too--even if brief-- so I know if anyone is ever reading this.

Abundant and genuine blessings to all!

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