Family and faith are my top-most priorities in the life I am blessed to share with my beautiful and dedicated bride; we're the proud parents of two brilliant, caring and creative adult children, and enjoy the companionship and antics of our three furry, purry pets. We live amid the nature and majestic scenery of the Rocky Mountain region, but love adventuring to explore the many other creative wonders and captivating cultures on God's beautiful Earth.
I've arrived at the descriptor of "nurturer" for myself because it crisply captures the important purpose of the two "jobs" I've kept myself busy with over the past couple of decades. I work at a middle school with struggling readers during the school year, and overlap that at a greenhouse/garden center taking care of flowers (and customers) for a few intense months in the spring and summer. Both jobs bring me joy, inspiration, and cool opportunities. Although they differ widely in their execution, the compelling commonality of both jobs is the emphasis on "nurturing." I endeavor to create the ideal environment for optimum development and growth for both budding young readers and seedling flowers. Witnessing the blossoming of a beautiful flower or the beautiful mind of a child is a glorious reward!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Weather, Wisdom and Wonder

Our autumn days seemed to suddenly slide into almost-winter days here this week. Today, very wet lazy snowflakes drifted about in varying degrees of seriousness, exciting the school kids so distractedly witnessing it through the classroom window, but in the final analysis, it never stuck; just provided some nice, needed moisture. Where is "October's Bright Blue Weather?" I ask. I like the colorful, clear, cool days with crisp azure skies. Colorful foliage does decorate here and there, but winter's white strokes reach way down the mountainsides too. Guess I'll thank God for his beautiful and perfect creative artistry and seasonal wisdom and leave it at that.

Have I ever mentioned that I have lots of relatives? A couple Sundays ago, a distant cousin had organized an informal gathering of relatives, all descendants of my maternal, maternal, maternal great-great grandparents. We met at a local restaurant a few minutes from my house. There were probably 30-40 folks who stopped by in the couple of hours that I was there. I knew the most closely related ones--and had great fun visiting with some first cousins and some aunts that I hadn't talked to in quite awhile, not to mention my sister that I certainly do not see often enough. Once in awhile, someone from the other side of the room would wander into our corner and introduce themselves and we'd all discuss the familial connection. There still were plenty of folks that I didn't meet or talk to, but here's the compelling part. I was sitting enjoying the company of my "closely-related" kin when I notice this very sweet woman that I have worked with at school for the past six years walk by. I asked my great-aunt, "Is she a relative?" And, surprise! Yes, she is. When she came back in the room, she stopped, rested her arm on my great-aunt's shoulders and, equally as surprised as I, she explained her place in the family at-large. Turns out that her mom and my grandmother are first cousins. Adding to the story, her daughter also works at our school in the office, so she (the daughter) and I are straight-across third cousins. Let's add another generation; my nephew attends our school too, as does the office cousin's son. Fact is, these fourth cousins are in the same 6th grade homeroom. Very cool, I think. Some 130 years of family history sitting just a few desks apart from each other in these two charming young men. Their great-great-grandmas are sisters, and they both share the same set of great-great-great-grandparents. Wow! What a wondrous miracle God's gift of family is!

Late. Have more to share, but will save for another time. Blessings on your day, week. Hope to "talk" to you again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Cool relatives story. I can never really even keep it straight what a 3rd cousin is let alone if I have any :)
    Blessings and love,
