Family and faith are my top-most priorities in the life I am blessed to share with my beautiful and dedicated bride; we're the proud parents of two brilliant, caring and creative adult children, and enjoy the companionship and antics of our three furry, purry pets. We live amid the nature and majestic scenery of the Rocky Mountain region, but love adventuring to explore the many other creative wonders and captivating cultures on God's beautiful Earth.
I've arrived at the descriptor of "nurturer" for myself because it crisply captures the important purpose of the two "jobs" I've kept myself busy with over the past couple of decades. I work at a middle school with struggling readers during the school year, and overlap that at a greenhouse/garden center taking care of flowers (and customers) for a few intense months in the spring and summer. Both jobs bring me joy, inspiration, and cool opportunities. Although they differ widely in their execution, the compelling commonality of both jobs is the emphasis on "nurturing." I endeavor to create the ideal environment for optimum development and growth for both budding young readers and seedling flowers. Witnessing the blossoming of a beautiful flower or the beautiful mind of a child is a glorious reward!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just A Bit

You remember the song from White Christmas where the four leads (Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney. . . ) are singing on the train on the way to a ski vacation in Vermont and they very harmonically sing, "Snow. . snow. . . snow. . . snow" each in perfect key in their own range? Anyway--that's been the theme song-refrain running through my mind for our past couple days here. While it is not sticking too much because it's borderline cool, it is falling plenty off and on and making everything rather wet. Needless to say, it's been a bit frustrating for the tennis team. The season is two and a half weeks in, and they have been able to have only two practices outside on the courts, and their first competition is this Saturday. Guess they'll do what they can. Son likes when they get to get some actual practice with rackets and balls and nets in; the running and exercises of "strength and conditioning" are not his favorite moments, but he has a good attitude about it all. I hope he has a fun season, despite the somewhat uncooperative weather.

Our precious daughter has been little Miss Social this year--spending last Friday evening at another birthday sleepover of a friend. Think they got more sleep this time, it sounded like, but still had fun. This particular friend doesn't live too far away and she and the princess seem to have quite a bit in common. They are in Acting 2 together this semester and both are writers too; guess they shared some of their stories with each other at the party. What fun to see kids meeting and making friends with a variety of neat people!

We're excited to see Spring Vacation coming up this next week. We plan to head out of town for a few days for a little getaway. Hoping it's a bit warmer and less wintry on the Oregon Coast. Will enjoy the waves and sounds and smells of the sea--even if in sweatshirts and needing to return to a hot tub soak and a mug of hot tea, I guess. Will be good to get away and spend a few free days with the family in "vacation mode." We'll return to town in time for the Passion days services and celebrations at church. "My Girls" will both contribute their angelic voices to the choir anthems during the many services--what a blessing to listen to!

At school, my kids have been reading this book called Loner. It's a 1963 (My--how old!) publication by Ester Wier and was a Newbery Honor book. In it, an orphan boy who has no name finds himself with a sheepherder woman in the mountains of Montana. When the boy and the sheepherder meet, she decides he should have a name, so she gets out her Bible and says for him to randomly open and put his finger down to find a good name. Of course, being as he has just wondered into the life of a shepherd, he opens to the book of Samuel and happens upon the name David. He is given that name, and of course wants to learn all about his namesake from the Bible. Along the way, of course, the story of David and Goliath is mentioned, and alluded to--in fact becomes a significant allusion toward the end of the book. But anyway, I was very surprised--and saddened-- that when I was reading this section with my kids, hardly any of them knew the Bible story of David and Goliath! I didn't physically tally the results, but out of the 12-15 kids I read with in my groups throughout the day, maybe 4, at most 5--knew the story. I was dumbfounded! I guess I expected that even if they were not Sunday School attendees or church-goers, they would at least know that story. I remember even reading it in a "fairy tale" book of giants that my Dad has from his childhood. Anyway, it was an eye-opener, and a good chance to share the story, AND its important truths about God. We've finished the book in most of the classes this week; it is a great book, and most of the kids enjoyed reading it.

So, life drizzles and rushes and sleets onward. End and beginning of the month is a busy time for beautiful bride at her work, so she is looking forward to our getaway quite heartily as well. I know the daughter needs a bit of a break from school too--lots going on this past month. Son will miss a few days of tennis practice, but it is okay. Gets pretty intense as soon as we return with tournaments or matches most every week.

Such a blessing that even though we can "vacation" from our daily routine and witness God's scenery and imagination out in His broad, beautiful world, our God is constant and true, unchanging and dependable. What a comforting miracle He is! Praying your journeys through and remembrances of His passion in the coming weeks lead you ever closer and more deeply committed to Him. May Easter Alleluias resound gloriously in your lives! Blessings of Hope, Joy and Peace, friends!

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